Ordering dump body parts and accessories for any model dump body has never been easier. Simply browse through the part categories to find what you need or search by part number or description. It’s that easy.
Make no mistake; we don’t cut corners to save a buck or two on our end that eventually can cost you business. That’s not our way. At Ox, our products are designed and built to take serious abuse on a daily basis. We know you have to push your equipment to the limit to make ends meet, but we also know even the best components properly maintained will eventually wear out under tough conditions.
No matter what, we want you to know we have your back. We earned your trust from the get go and we aim to keep it. No red tape, no excuses, and people that can solve your problem quickly. Our extremely knowledgeable parts and accessories staff will go out of their way to get your rig up and running again even if it’s a competitive product issue you can’t get resolved. That’s how strong our commitment is to you. Hard to believe… give us a call and see for yourself.